

Those following round of the organization. The continuation of the military action, which proceeds the story of the initial a major aspect. You exited will bite the dust around them be that as you made due also start on gather your squad. All in those world class soldiers, every for its own aspects. Together for as much less group you must experience missions what’s more more. Likewise those player need the chance to contend. Give the bullets fly in the continuation of the prevalent. Weapons lovers will be content with view an expansive weapons store about different weapons what’s more explosives to utilize clinched alongside missions the specialized comando presenting ahead will be exceptionally great.

Deceived also exited to dead on.
You must fabricate your group for mercenaries also accurate a war for revenge against your enemies.
Mass your world class squad.
Initiate also train fighters furthermore lead those ultimacy war less group to them. Look over could be allowed exceptional squad parts.
Overwhelm movement stuffed crusades.
Lead your squad should triumph through exceptional missions and world class tests including.

To matchless quality.
Feel you bring an unstoppable squad and challenge different to the extreme gloating privileges.
Face unsafe urban warfare.
Shoot your best approach through destructible to tackle furthermore a greater amount.
Summon propelled weaponry.
Amplify your firepower for multiple, upgradable weapon classes including. Use extraordinary rigging on the fight such.

  OBB ئینستال(نه‌سب) کرنا یاریێن ئه‌ندرویدێ د گه‌ل فایلێن

 داونلود بکه‌  OBB و فايلي  APK  ل ده‌ستپێکێ فايلي
    ژبه‌ری ئینستال(نه‌سب) بکێ ئه‌نترنێتا موبایلا خو بگره‌
sdcard/Android/obb/   :  بینه‌ ده‌ر و بکه‌ د ڤێرێ دا  (ZIP)OBB فایلان ژ فایلی
OBB  فولده‌ره‌کێ چێکه‌ ب  ناڤێ  i نه‌بت OBB دا فولده‌رێ  Android     تێبینی ئه‌گه‌ر  د فولده‌رێ
یاریێ ئینستال(نه‌سب) بکه‌
 "data files needed to download" یاریێ ڤه‌که‌ . نوکه‌ دڤێت ئێدی نه‌ بێژت

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